Thursday, July 18, 2019

There is always a yoke

We perceive freedom as the ability to do whatever we wish, to not be controlled. 

The readings today remind us that we are always wearing some yoke. 

In the first reading God is preparing to rescue the people of Israel from the yoke of slavery to the Egyptians. 

If we look honestly at ourselves, the slavery we often experience is the slavery to our “feelings.” Our feelings that are in turn tossed around by the news and social media that we consume. We read or hear, and we react. All someone has to do is use the right buzzwords and we jump, at least inwardly. Even our bodies can jerk us around. Our blood sugar drops; our mood shifts. Our backs ache; we become short tempered. We are yoked. 

In the Gospel Jesus tells us that there is a path to true freedom. To be truly free we put on His yoke. True peace is found not by responding to our feelings but by being yoked, and guided by the person of Jesus Christ. 

When we wake up in the morning, before we do anything else, can we choose to put on the yoke of Jesus? As we walk though the day, when we feel the tug of old yokes pulling towards the unchristian word or action, we should feel the always stronger pull of the yoke of Jesus, turning us toward the right path. 

We will be tempted to take it off. The old yoke is familiar and in some way more comfortable. The yoke of Christ will feel awkward,,  but only at first. Over time it can become, as Jesus describes it, “easy.” As easy to wear as our favorite pair of shoes. 

The difference is that the shoes over time mold themselves to us. With the yoke of Christ, we are molded to it. 

Before you take another step, stop now and put on the yoke of Christ.