Thursday, June 18, 2020

Focus on God

Today’s gospel is our most repeated prayer: the Our Father

But how often do we actually pay attention to the structure of that prayer. 

The first three petitions are not about us, they are about God.
-hallowed be thy name
-thy kingdom come
+thy will be done

So often we think prayer is about us, meditation is about calming us, adoration is about how it makes us feel. 

The Our Father reminds us first of all that prayer is about God. It is about letting go of the focus on the self, letting go of the focus on our work, our projects. We can offer our needs to God, but only as part two of our prayer not part one. 

Prayer is that time when our full, undivided attention is given to God, and only God. It takes effort. It takes practice. It takes discipline. Our natural tendency is to be constantly mentally in motion, our mind running from thought to thought. 

Today God wants nothing more than a few minutes of your undivided attention.