Monday, December 14, 2020

Day 16 St. John of the Cross

We are now on our 16th day of this new year. How are we doing at taking on a new way of being.

Yesterday was Gaudete Sunday. St Paul gave us three commands:
- Rejoice Always
- Pray without ceasing
-Give thanks in every circumstance 

How hard would it be to simply walk through this day maintaining a cheerful disposition, staying mindful and listening to the Holy Sprit, and focusing on the things for which we are thankful?

Today the Church celebrates St. John of the Cross who provides us with a wonderful metaphor, not Christ as shepherd or physician, but Jesus as a mine with many veins of gold. 

We must dig deeply into Christ. And “ however deep we dig we will never find their end or their limit. Indeed, in every pocket new seams of fresh riches are discovered on all sides.”

To be truly happy, we must lose ourselves in the mine, digging more deeply each day. Perhaps, in this sense, the pandemic can be good for us. It forces us to slow down,  It limits the running around we can do.  Sitting, at times feeling trapped in our homes, there is nothing to stop us from journeying down into the mine. Or are we afraid of what we will find? 

If so, remember, Christ is not only the mine, He is the light. 

Today, remember St. John of the Cross, and spend some quiet time mining.