Thursday, September 5, 2013

L'shana Tova

Happy New Year

With the setting of the sun yesterday evening our Jewish brothers and sisters began their celebration of the New Year. It would however be a mistake to compare the celebration with the American New Year's Eve.

The celebration of Rosh Hashana not only looks forward to the year that is coming, but looks back. This two day celebration, recalls the very beginning when God created the universe.

Before the sun sets today, they will have gone to a body of water, preferably flowing, and cast bread upon the water.(Tashlikh) In some areas turning their pockets to get out the last crumbs. With the bread they cast away their sins reciting the closing of the Book of Michah.

Who is a God like you, who removes guilt
and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance;
Who does not persist in anger forever,
but instead delights in mercy,
And will again have compassion on us,
treading underfoot our iniquities?
You will cast into the depths of the sea all our sins;
You will show faithfulness to Jacob,
and loyalty to Abraham,
As you have sworn to our ancestors
from days of old.