Sunday, November 10, 2013

Which is better?

There is a profound difference between, humility and self-depreciation. We Catholics and really most Christians confuse the two. We think putting ourselves down is what God wants. Today's gospel reminds us that God wants exactly the opposite, to raise us up. The saved human is a son/daughter of God and equal to the angels (isoangeloi).

If fact, I would argue that in the end he raises us above the angels. Of all God's creatures, which did he make in his image and likeness? Both humans and angels have intelligence and free will. And while both angels and humans fell, which did he come and rescue? And which can share in his divinity?

Yes, in this life we suffer the effects of original sin, disordered desires. The desires are good in their proper place. Hunger for food, the desire to reproduce, ambition are all good things. Even that desire for the glass of wine, doctors now tell us (like St. Paul told St. Timothy) is good for us. It is only when they become disordered that they lead to sin.

But where are we supposed to end up. In the words of the Cathechism

The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature"

Is is the prayer said each time the priest pours the water into the wine.

By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity.

Jesus came not only to restore what was lost by original sin, but to raise us even higher. This is why at Easter we refer to original sin as the Felix Culpa, the happy fault. Had it not, been for the sin there would have been no incarnation, no ressurection, no sharing in the divine life.

In the end it was all part of the plan.

So you can wish to be an angel if you want a demotion. I'll be quite happy to remain an adopted child of God.