Most of us do not mind the adjective. As a matter of fact most of us would like to think of ourselves as humble, and if not humble we would at least like to think we are not the opposite. The readings today do not however use the adjective; they use the verb.
Very simply we have two options we can either humble ourselves or we can be humbled. Speaking from personal experience, when God has to humble you, it is not a pleasant experience. It is much simpler if we humble ourselves.
It isn't complicated, although it is not easy. True humility is how bad you are. It's not about you at all. To humble ourselves means to but others ahead of ourselves. In a conversation, it is listening rather than talking. When our mind wanders to our aches and pains, it is turning our minds to someone else who is suffering more. Not a generic someone but an actual person. In prayer, it is letting God lead us, instead of telling God what we need, as if he did not know.
The humble person does not cast their eyes down they cast them out, and up; out toward others and up toward heaven.