The Bible begins by telling us that God created a single humanity (adam) of which we are all a part. It was only sin that fractured that humanity.
In our culture, we tend to worship the fracture. We focus on the individual. Everything can be customized to meet your individual needs.
Today’s gospel reminds us that while sin may have fractured the common humanity, it could not be broken.
In the gospel it is the son who is in need of healing. But we hear nothing about his faith. As is often the case with us human beings, the ones most in need of help are the ones least willing or able to ask for it.
It is the father who goes for help. It is worth noting that even this father’s faith is seriously flawed. He thinks that Jesus needs to go and do something. He thinks there needs to be some spectacle. He forgets that in the beginning God merely spoke and it all came into being.
Jesus finds the people’s desire for spectacles frustrating.
Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe.
But despite that, the faith of the man is enough.
“You may go; your son will live.” The man believed what Jesus said to him and left.
The faith of the man saved the son.
How easily we forget. Faith itself is a gift from God. He gives it as we need it.
What do we do? As with all gifts, we merely accept it and are grateful.
On this Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent. Can I look inside and find my faith? Perhaps for some it is right at hand. Perhaps for others it has fallen into some dusty corner of your soul. Wherever it is, pick it up and embrace. Show it to the people around you. And most of all say thank you. Be grateful for the gift of faith. Your faith may also heal someone in need.