Monday, October 7, 2019

The polar opposites

Today we celebrate two opposites: Mary and Jonah. 

Mary is called by God and give the perfect total yes. Let it be done to me according to your Word. 

Jonah gives the opposite response. When God calls Jonah and gives him his mission, he runs. God says go to Nineveh and Jonah hops a boat in the opposite direction, Tarshish. 

 Both Mary and Jonah are afraid, and for good reason. Jonah allowed his fear to control him, Mary did not. 

The good news for Jonah is that if we are people of faith, even when we are slow to listen God remains faithful. As the first reading ends today, the large fish has spit him up and Jonah is back at the start.  Tomorrow God we give him a second chance to listen and get it right.