Saturday, January 22, 2011

Unknown Saint

Today is the memorial of St. Vincent Pallotti, a 19th century Rome priest who in many ways foreshadowed the ideals that mark the theology of Vatican II, more than a century before the council. Renowned for his work with the poor, the two other themes that were unusual at the time were his focus on healing the fractures within the church, and on the lay apostolate.

Today the church remains fractured. Albeit in somewhat different ways, the fractures are just as deep. And we still have a ways to go in capturing the mission of the laity, as set forth in the Second Vatican Council, to carry the faith out into the marketplace and transform the world.

At the heart of our prayer today let us hold the motto of St. Vincent "Caritas Christi urget nos" (The love of Christ compels us). May the love of Christ be the driving force behind our every word and act today.

St. Vincent Pallotti, pray for us.