Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The end of Lent is only two days away. On Thursday evening Christians around the world will gather to begin the celebration of the Easter Triduum, the three days in which we remember the Passion, Death, and Ressurection of our Lord Jesus Christ. When I say remember, I mean it in the Hebrew sense. As we remember we are able to be made part of the past event.

In today's gospel we hear for the first time John referred to as the one whom Jesus loved, his closest friend. And yet, when he leans over to ask Jesus who is going to betray him, John the beloved disciple and evangelist writes that he did not call him by his name. He did not call him Jesus, He called him the same way we still call him in the penitential rite, Kyrie, Lord. In what is probably the most tender, intimate moment in the gospels, he calls him Lord.

Contrast that with our present culture in which everyone feels free to call everyone by their first name. I do not offer any further comment. I simply find it noteworthy, and I think it is worth some reflection. If Jesus's closest friend among the apostles called him by his title, is it possible that there is a place for titles? Something to think about.